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Contact Us
If you are concerned about the way you are feeling:Certainly you should call us. Sometimes, women feel better after the first phone call, when they can get some reassurance that their symptoms may not be as worrisome as they fear. If you are unable to reach us by phone, email us at If you are worried about your symptoms, be sure to contact your healthcare practitioner. If you live outside our local area and are unable to travel to the PPSC for an evaluation, or are unable to find a PPD specialist in your area, we are available for a one-time phone consultation. If you live outside our local area, please do not email us with your specific symptoms. Please understand that we are not able to respond to individual clinical concerns for women we are not treating. It is imperative that you speak with the doctor and/or therapist who is treating you.
If you need emotional support:Follow us on IG, FB, and Twitter. If you would like to reach out to other women who are experiencing similar concerns, please join our closed Facebook group by "liking" The Postpartum Stress Center page and messaging us with your email. We will send you an invite.
Media:If you are requesting an interview with Karen Kleiman email
Professional Clinical Consult:If you are a clinician treating women with prenatal or postpartum mood disorders and would like consultation with a particular case, please complete our professional consultation form. or email us. If one phone conversation is insufficient, ongoing consultation or mentoring with Karen Kleiman is available at the PPSC. In addition, please consider joining our 12-Hour Post-Graduate Training Program for intensive exploration of perinatal depression and anxiety and related treatment issues.
Professional Inquiries:Please feel free to contact the PPSC with any questions you may have
Speaking Engagements:If you are a local organization and would like a staff member from the PPSC to speak to your organization, please email with detailed information.
Student:If you are a student who is studying postpartum depression and anxiety, writing a research paper, interested in observing groups or therapy, or working on your dissertation, please understand that although we unquestionably support the work you are doing, we are not able to respond to individual inquiries.
Web Materials:All information on this website has been designed for personal use for individual women and their families. Users are free to copy for personal use, provided no fee is charged, no changes are made and credit is given to The Postpartum Stress Center, LLC and
Best way to reach
Location and Directions
Mailing Address
The Postpartum Stress Center, LLC
600 West Germantown Pike, Suite 400
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
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